
Showing posts from December, 2024

Who is the Leaker?

We Know Who Was Feeding Parts of the Matt Gaetz Ethics Report to the Media ...leak. We knew it was going to leak. Gaetz’s nomination was still seen as viable, and there were too many Democratic eyes who’d seen the pages. One Democrat appeared to be the point source for the leaks, Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA) who was absent at the panel’s meeting last week after it was discovered that she was the leak. Her office said her absence ... Ref:

Why Are Our U.S. Military Leaders Failing to Protect America? The Answer: Incompetent, Woke, Biased, DEI, Anti-Jew, Anti-White Generals

Sen. John Kennedy Confronts General Who Called Trump Supporters Fascists: ‘I’m Insulted by Your Comment’ Manner, who has been a useful idiot for the Democrats in the past, made an opening statement arguing against the plan to solve America's illegal immigration crisis, saying it is not the military's job "to police its citizens or to enforce controversial and politically-charged immigration policies." They wouldn't be policing its citizens, General; they'd be protecting them by policing an ongoing invasion of the country, Senator Kennedy said. ... Kennedy is always entertaining in these hearings, and he does an incredible job here of refusing to let up on Manner over past comments celebrating General Mark Milley's own assertion that Trump is a "fascist." "On October 14th of this year, you went on CNN. I want to read you what you said, make sure I’m accurate. Here’s what you said: ‘President Trump is not like any sane leader. I’m very...